Unable to connect JIRA Cloud from TFS4JIRA synchronizer

ArjunKumar Selvamani August 3, 2018

Hi Team,


I am trying to use TFS4JIRA to sync the work items and issues from TFS to JIRA.


But when I try to connect JIRA cloud it says "Unable to connect". When I tried the api that it tries to connect I am able to get the JSON output.

Below is the error log:

at synchronizer.Client.RestClient.Request(HttpMethod method, String url, Object json, IEnumerable`1 expectedCodes, IAuthentication authentication)
   at synchronizer.Services.JsonService.JsonOp(HttpMethod operation, String url, Object json, List`1 expectedCodes, String user, String password)
   at synchronizer.Services.JsonService.JsonOp(HttpMethod operation, String url, Object json, HttpStatusCode expectedCode, String user, String password)
   at synchronizer.Services.JiraService.GetProjects(String url, String u, String p)
   at synchronizer.Services.JiraService.TestConnection(String url, String u, String p)
   at synchronizer.Controllers.TfsController.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<TestJira>b__0()
   at synchronizer.Controllers.TfsController.MaybeRun(IEnumerable`1 requiredParams, GenericAction action)


Please help me where I went wrong. 

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