Trouble adding a condition to a transition

MajoG April 21, 2013


I want to do something very simple but It s not working.

I added a condition to a transition:

OPEN > begin estimation > ESTIMATE

Status: Open

Transition: Begin estimation

Status: Estimate

As we all know the issue has an assignee, and I want to make that current assignee the only one who can change the issue from Open to Estimate.

So I added the condition: "Only the assignee of the issue can execute this transition."

But then I was still able to move the issue with another user in the work board from Open to Estimate.

So, I need to know what I'm doing wrong or if it's a bug.

Cheers, Mage

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Henning Tietgens
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April 21, 2013

Did you publish the changed workflow?


MajoG April 21, 2013

Oh my God! That was the problem!

Thanks a lot!

Cheers, Mage

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