Total story points of issues "not in canceled status" in an Epic using JWT number field

Shahriar May 29, 2024


I am trying to create a number field using the JWT plugin in our JIRA. I would like it to show the total story points of all issues in an Epic EXCLUDING the issues in the "Canceled" status. I can't seem to find a way to do this. It either gives me an error or "0" no matter how I try.

The following are the two methods and I don't mind using either. The two methods below work perfectly but how do I include the part where I can say "status != Canceled"?


sum(fieldValue({issue.cfXXXX}, issuesUnderEpic()))


sum(fieldValue({XXXX}, linkedIssues("is Epic of")))

I tried so many ways but still no luck. Here is one of the ways I tried but it gives me 0.0.
sum(fieldValue({XXXX}, linkedIssues("status != Canceled", "is Epic of")))
Thank you in advance! 
- Shahriar 

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Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
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May 31, 2024

Hello @Shahriar,

I am part of the Decadis team and I would like to help you. The following expression returns the sum of the story points of the issues under the epic that are not in the Canceled status:

sum(fieldValue({issue.cfnnnnn}, filterByPredicate(issuesUnderEpic(), ^%{issue.status} != "Canceled")))

Here we use the filterByPredicate() parser function to filter out all the issues under the epic that are in the Canceled status.

If the output of the calculated field is only going to be displayed on the epic, my advice would be to restrict the field context to only this issue type.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us via our support portal or in this thread if you need further assistance.

Best regards,


Shahriar June 3, 2024

Hi Vicente, 

That worked! Thank you so much for your help. 



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