TEMPO report export - Approval Status

Raina Kang
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October 2, 2019

Hi everyone,

I need to create a bill with the time sheets where only the approved hours are eligible to submit. In the TEMPO time sheet report menu (or the export files), I can't see the approval status.

I'm not a team lead or a timesheet reviewer, but I have a permission to see everybody's worklogs and timesheets. Does anyone know how to see the approval status from the time sheet report in this condition?


(+) a side question related to this.

When you export the timesheet report in an excel format. There is a column called 'Period' in [Users] tab. What is this column meant for? In my report, I see the most of rows with Open and one user's row with Waiting for approval.


Thank you all in advance.

Best Regards,


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