After launching our Jira Service Management desk and using the tool to improve our issue management we began exploring other ways to improve and stay connected. The agents would keep the application open in a browser window but during our non-peak times, it would slowly make its way to the back or get minimized. Agents would not notice a request until an email came through and they noticed it there. If only one or two agents were working then there would often be gaps, longer than the first response SLA, to address the new issue. This meant that the agents would often stop work to review the service desk or email, distracting them throughout the day when nothing was there. We integrated Slack with the Service Management Project so agents could be notified through the tool of new issues. This allowed them the freedom to work on articles or other work without having to constantly check the service desk. Now they are notified through Slack of new issues. Productivity is up, agents are happy and customers get the attention they need. This simple integration provides many benefits but to our team being connected and notified through slack has been the best benefit.
Brant Schroeder