Set an Insight Custom Field based on another Insight Custom Field.

Carl E_ Allen October 12, 2017

Greetings All,

I have a very minor stumbling block with something I'm designing for our external customer-supporting Service desk.

I have an Insight single select field called Location (lets say it may contain a customer's facility in Boston)

I have another Insight field called Region (lets say it may contain North East) -- I'd like for when I change Location from Boston, to say, Miami, that the region field would update to South East Automatically

In my Insight Database I have objects for Region and Location, and the location has an outbound to the Region.


Since I have no control over when my customers add new facilities, and I don't always get notified, so I'd like JIRA issue reports I run to be able to give me all the issues in Northeast that occurred, in a confluence page, when a new location gets added, then my jira issue tracker would be updated automatically cause I'm searching for the region object.

Does anyone have any ideas how I may be able to achieve this?


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Alexander Sundström
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October 16, 2017

Hi Carl,

There is a field type called Referenced Custom Field, which feels appropriate for this purpose. You can read about it at and it supports both inbound and outbound references. 
However it can't be set to automatically update based on the parent field, but when you change the parent field that the reference field depends on, this value will be removed.

As an example, if you change the location, the previous set region will be removed and has to be chosen again, as it depends on the location.

But this way, your region depends on your location.

Best Regards

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