ScriptRunner Groovy Script - Create a Sub Issue based on Radio Button

Jeevan Kumar M J March 26, 2018


I want to create a Groovy script (ScriptRunner) that will automatically creates an issue Sub Task, when a specific radio button option is clicked in Issue Task. 


If Radio Button Option 1 i.e "Apple" is selected upon jira issue Task, it will automatically creates subTask as "Apple"

If Radio Button Option 2 i.e "Orange" is selected upon jira issue Task, it will automatically creates subTask as "Orange"

 I'm a beginner in groovy, can someone give me a basic code that will help me to achieve that?


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Roland Holban (Adaptavist)
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August 9, 2018


Where are you changing the radio button field? (issue create screen, issue view screen, etc.)

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