Save your Jira Licensing Cost by sharing Jira with external users | Secure Share App !!

Atlassian Partner
July 21, 2022

miniOrange has come up with Jira External Share/Jira Secure Share that allows you to share your Jira issues(or tickets) and even projects to any user, externally too (even outside Jira). Shareable Jira cloud issue links can be password-protected. You can create timebomb links that will expire after a certain period of time after which they will stop working. Thus, your Jira project is kept secure at its zenith. Your end-users will be able to access the shared Jira issues with these links without logging in! 


This is how miniOrange helps in tackling one of the major challenges organizations face on a daily basis to allow non-licensed users to at least view the Jira issues without additional licenses.

The mO Secure Share for Jira application is available for the Jira cloud, data center, server!

The Jira platform also has built-in features to allow you to externally share Jira issues and tickets, but the catch here is that you'll need to make your whole project anonymous (publicly accessible over the internet) to export your Jira issues and tickets.

Check out our product video to understand it in more detail !

External Share/Secure Share Features:

Here is the finish to your pausing – Let’s have a look at the awesome features of Secure Share!

  • Decide whether an access link will allow your end-users to view/add comments or attachments on your shared issue or page.

  • Create self-destructing access links by setting expiry over the link.

  • Securely Share your link by protecting it with your password or generate a random one for better security.

  • Need not worry about the pile of expired links. Those will be deleted automatically after 7 days of expiry.

  • Deactivate any shared link with a single click at any time and the link will be as powerless as Tony Stark without an Arc reactor!

  • Set permissions for end-user to View/Add Comments/Attachments in the shared issues

  • Free support app setup. Contact us for a Secure Share demo!



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