Reports, timesheets

June 17, 2019

I want to have a plugin where I can see the hours logged by each user of jira as well as on which tasks they have logged on to and the total amount of time spent each day,

Also, Except people with admin permission, only users will be able to their own worklog and not others worklog in the reports.


KIndly Help me in suggesting such a plugin

1 answer

1 vote
Aleksandra Klasa
Atlassian Partner
June 18, 2019


I've noticed that you have already tried our app Worklogs - Time Reports for Jira, which contains all the features mentioned in your post. We didn't meet your expectations though and I would be happy to find out more about the problems you mentioned in your feedback.

You were dissatisfied with some UI issues in our app. Can you describe what was the most annoying in this area so that we know what requires enhancement?

Perhaps just a few quick fixes or improvements could make our app a truly suitable solution for your needs?

Thank you!



SolDevelo Team

June 18, 2019

Hi @Aleksandra Klasa 


In Worklogs time Reports for Jira When I don't allow a user to see others work hour logged, that user is not able to see his worklog too. This is not what i want.

I want each individual will be able to view his or her worklog.

Only group with permission will be be able to see everyone's worklog. 

Can that be done? Let me know how to tweak the settings.


Thanks and Regards,


June 20, 2019

@Aleksandra Klasa  Waiting for your reply in this regard.

Thanks in Advance,

Anik Kumar Saha

Ewa Grabowska-Ptak_SolDevelo_
Atlassian Partner
October 27, 2021


Please accept our sincerest apologies. Somehow, we missed your question in the past and left it unanswered. Despite the time that has passed since you have asked about our permissions, we would like to still clarify this matter. 

To anybody interested in Worklogs - Time Tracking and Reports, you can set permission for specific users or Jira groups. You can decide whether somebody can access or view others worklogs. In order to access those settings go to Apps -> Manage Apps -> Worklogs Permissions. When you allow everybody to access Worklogs, but not see others worklogs, users will be able to see their own time logs only. 

Hope it helps!


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