Planning Resource allocation per month & percentage calculation

Hina Tufail January 4, 2024

Hi everyone,

I am encountering a use case and being unable to find the perfect solution that suits this needs.

I have a customer who works today on Excel and is looking for a solution. I have this use case, which consist of planning.

1/ Defining the main allocations for a resource

  • Every year, as a manager, I need to define for each of my resource, how much % of work they will do between among 15 big subjects. Let's simplify to : 
    • "Workshop" - Type : DESIGN
    • "Security" - Type : DESIGN
    • "Development" - Type : BUILD
    • "Testing" - Type : BUILD
    • "Support" - Type : RUN
  • A big subject can be linked to many future jira projects.
  • % definition of ressource allocation is done manually on big subject level
    • Example : Jorge will be working 30% of his time on 'Workshop', 20% on 'Development', 30% on 'Testing' and 20% on 'Support'
    • This allocation is for ALL the projects, it is defined in the very beginning on a macro level.

2/ Assigning a resource to a project's big subject

  • As a commitee with a lot of managers, we first have a project need
  • I choose which big subject will be needed. Let's say for project A i need :
    • 'Workshop'
    • 'Development'
    • 'Testing'
  • I need to say what are my needs month per month
    • 'Workshop' --> 4days in april, 5 days in may
    • 'Development' --> 5 days in may, 20 in june
    • 'Testing' --> 10 days in july
  • Then, i need to select a resource : Jorge
    • For each big subject i need to know if :
      • Jorge is available and under the 30% of his annual time dedicated to "Workshop" subject

This whole process is purely theoritical and before any real operationnal project creation in Jira (where they do use epics, stories etc).

I've tried Big Picture PPM, Structure, Tempo Planner, Cost Tracker (SaaSJet)...

Where I am having an issue is :

- I cannot find a way to define manually for a resource a % allocation among all projects that are not operationnal in Jira. Some tools such as Big Picture are amazing but the % counts all the projects, even the operationnal one.

- I cannot find also a way to do this calculation where I have to check that Jorge is under the 30% annual allocation linked to a big subject. Especially when I can have the same big subject for many many projects.

- I cannot find a way to define the needs per month, every app asks me to fill this information per day

If not clear, please let me know. I am currenlty looking for tools & solutions around that. If someone has encountered that kind of use case it would be really helpful.


Many thanks.

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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January 11, 2024

I'm sorry you haven't received a helpful reply, @Hina Tufail. Have you tried reaching out to the vendors you mentioned to see if one of their solution engineers can help? 



Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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January 11, 2024

P.S. If/when you find the solution, please share it here  👀

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