Need to display latest svn commits/changes first in the order

V April 9, 2013

Hi All-

We are using Jira Subversion plugin v . Right now when we make multiple commits for the same issue, the latest commits are displayed at the last.

Is it possible to display the latest commits/changes first in the order, so that the user need not to scroll down to find his latest changes ?

Suggestons are most welcomed.

Thanks in Advance,


2 answers

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Kinto Soft
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 21, 2013


You migh want to use this fork of the Atlassian plug-in:

which sorts them in a descendent way (newer first) among other enhancements.

The plug-in is an open source fork and supports the V2 plug-in system, so no JIRA re-start is required, though it requires previous un-install of the Atlassian's one and it will also re-index all the respositories in order to work (any existing Lucene index is ignored). The Subversion repositories configuration is fully re-used as well as the entire UI for users and administrators.


0 votes
V April 9, 2013

The sort order option is missing for us.Any idea how to get that.

Kinto Soft
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 21, 2013

The sort option is hardcoded in the Atlassian's sources although it looks like it's fully implemented, so really it should not difficult to implement this requirement in the Atlassian's branch.

Personally, I don't like that part of the code. I've replaced it in the fork mentioned in this thread. Maybe you will also like it more, because is much more understable (not only the sort functionality. Also the page size and many other functionalities wihch are fully delegated on a Derby database instead of Lucene. Lucene is very good, but it requires a lot of stuff in order to work as nicely as a relational database).

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