Link to a tab open partway down the page

Melody KirkWagner June 9, 2023

The sheet is set up with a Tabs Container macro with 5 Tabs Page macros inside. I right-click on the tab to get a link that will take the user straight to the correct tab. That works, BUT...the link seems to be directed to the same position on the page as the Tabs Page macro.

In short, it works more like an anchor than a Tab. Each successive tab opens further down the page. Recreating the whole page with a deck of cards macro instead represents a lot of work and may have the same problem. I'm really out of ideas to solve this and under the gun time-wise.

BTW - I believe I misstated how I access Confluence. It's via Enterprise, and I believe it's Cloud rather than Data Center, but I'm not sure. I don't think it's relevant, but since you asked...

1 answer

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Zoriana Bogutska_Adaptavist_
Atlassian Partner
August 20, 2023

@Melody KirkWagner What app do you use for tabs and card macros?

Melody KirkWagner September 21, 2023

@Zoriana Bogutska_Adaptavist_ They're just called Tabs Container and Tabs Page -- I thought they were Atlassian's.

Zoriana Bogutska_Adaptavist_
Atlassian Partner
January 7, 2025

Sorry for the late reply, missed that. There are no built-in tabs in confluence (premium too). It looks like you have been using the app from the Atlassian marketplace. You can try playing with other apps. Here is an article that explains different types of solutions for tabs

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