Jira Custom Field Attribute

Tracy Kaonje June 6, 2023

Hi Jira Gurus,

I have a request to create a custom field that displays a certain value on the front end and records initials in the backend.

The field name is City, from the Dropdown options, I have cities like Nairobi and Kampala.

When a user selects Nairobi, it should record as NBO or Kampala records as KLA.

When I exports data that contains the City field, I should see NBO instead of Nairobi.

Is this possible? How do I go about this?

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Miguel Nanquil June 7, 2023

Hi Tracy,

From my experience, this is impossible. But, one workaround is to have an automation that changes another field that has the Alpha‑3 code (NBO, KLA, etc.), however, it is tedious to create an automation that lists down all the cities and it's Alpha‑3 code.

Another one is to make the values of the city field to have this format: <City Name>-<Alpha‑3 code> (eg. Nairobi-NBO). Once exported, you can just split the data (use the Text to Columns feature on Excel) by separating the dash (-).

Hope this helps.



Tracy Kaonje June 8, 2023

The Automation part can work in my case.

Thanks for the suggestion Miguel

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