Jira Automation - How do i link stories to parent epic when moving to a different project

Itay Maoz
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November 21, 2018

I want to move an Epic from a service desk project to a next Gen Scrum project. Upon moving that epic over, I'd like Jira automation to clone all the existing issues associated with that epic and link to the epic on the new project. I cannot figure out how to do this. 

I've tried populating the Epic Link with the trigger issue, but that doesn't work. I've tried a few other values in that link, but nothing works. Any thoughts? 

1 answer

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Deleted user November 21, 2018

Hi Itay,

I've created a rule to demonstrate a way that you might do this:


This rule is manually triggered on an Epic in one project and it clones the epic and its stories into another project.

Hopefully this gives you an idea of how you can do this yourself?


Simeon [Automation for Jira]

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