Jira Automation Comment Edited show edits on same comment in linked issue

Autumn Stibich
April 5, 2022



I currently have a Jira automation rule that automatically copies new internal comments from a Jira Service Management issue to any linked issues.

I would like to create another rule that triggers when an existing comment is edited in the "parent issue" and update the same comment in the linked issues with the edits.


Here is the current rule I am trying to use:

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 13.08.40.png

Here are the error messages I've been able to get out of the rule:


Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 13.12.25.png



It doesn't appear to be able to resolve which comment in the linked issue needs to be updated with the edits from the parent issue.


Any suggestions? Thank you!




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