Is it possible to preset values for Meta Data in a template?

Andre Eikermann February 16, 2018

I'd like to preset values to meta data fields in a template.

When a user creates a new document using the the template, the value should be already set.

I could not find a way or a description how to do this.


Best regards


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Juliane Neumann {Communardo}
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 8, 2018

Hi André,

by now it is only possible to add predefined metadata sets to a template. Indeed we already thought about adding the option of presetting values ourselves.

I would appreciate it if you could get in contact with us directly via our service center so we can discuss this a little more in detail. This way we can have a closer look at your idea.

Thanks in advance!



Communardo Producst GmbH

Andre Eikermann March 9, 2018

Hi Juliane,

i have created a request: SUPPORT-12244

LIndsay Kiefer November 15, 2018

Was there a formal fix to this because i would also like to know if this is possible and how?

Communardo Products November 28, 2018

Hi Lindsay,

as this is a highly requested feature we're planning to implement it with the next release of the Metadata for Confluence app. Right now I cannot give you a sure release date, but you can keep an eye on this ticket or even vote for it.



Communardo Products GmbH

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