How to get the list of pictures attached AND inserted in a page with Scriptrunner?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 28, 2019

Hi all, 

I'm trying to write a script to get a list of the picture/files which are actually used in a page, and not just attached to the page.

Starting from some scriptrunner templates/tutorials, I got to the point where I can list in a table the pages within a selected space, and in each row of the table I write the page name, the number of attachments, the name of the attachments, but not really the name of the attachments which are actually used somewhere in the body of the page.

In the picture below, there's a sample result.

I know that in the "Summary Report..." page all of the 16 attached pictures are also included in the body of the page, but I don't know how to represent this situation in the table.

I tried to use the extractLinkTextList, but realized that this doesn't return what I need.




here below the piece of code...

tbody {
pagesInfo.each { space, pages ->

if (pages.size() > 0) {
if ( =="CRUP") { //limit result to a specified name of space

pages.each { page ->
tr {
th() {



Could anyone propose the right approach?

Clearly later on I'd like to add code to process in some way this information, but for now I'd be very happy to ... just find the information :-) 

Thanks in advance.




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