How many tickets were moved from one Jira project to another? [Use case]


If you’d like to catch what tickets or issues were moved between different projects and how to calculate those moves, check out the use case below. It’s a recent request from one of our Issue History for Jira users. Our SaaSJet team is inspired to find solutions for any case. We’re also glad to share it with community members and hope it will be helpful.

🔴 Task: How to calculate issues migrating from one project to another?

We have two main projects (Project A and Project B) that I’m interested in reporting on. 

Tickets from Project B are moved to the A project when engineering brings them into an active sprint. 

I’d like to track how many tickets are moved from A to B week over week.

Jira Projects.png

🟢 Solution: Track tickets’ moves with Issue History for Jira

Issue History for Jira is the report-building app where you can track all issue changes, including movements between projects. Here you monitor what ticket was moved, by whom and when.

A step-by-step guide to discover how many tickets (issues) has migrated from Project A to Project B:

1. Open the Issue History for Jira and use the filter to load tasks according to date and creator. 

historical log.png

You can also choose other filters: project, sprint, assignee, JQL, etc.

Here is an example with JQL to get 2 projects at once.

Issue history.png

2. Add necessary issue fields as the grid’s columns with help of the Column Manager. Just enter and checkmark the ones you need. Here we added the project.

filter issue history.png

Now, you’ll get the column with projects’ changes in the table.

issue history report (2).png

3. Export the report with data to an XLS file (or CSV). 

Export issue history (2).png

4. Use Data filters for migrated projects (Data → Create filter).

export ticket history.png

5. Project [new] is the one where tickets were transferred, it’s your target. Uncheck blanks in the Project [new] column.

export in jira.png

So, we have a number of tickets that were moved from A → B.

Export project history.png 

What changes you’d like to track? Let us know if you find this example handy. You can start the free trial with Issue History for Jira to check how it works for you.

Here is another case on the project changes: How to get the whole history of changes for 5 projects?



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