Excel-like formulas and conditional formatting in Jira? Yes, you can! Here’s how

The Formulas feature in Structure for Jira can uncover valuable metrics in your project data — these shortcuts and solutions show what you can accomplish. 

Have you ever thought, "It'd be nice to…"

  • Perform calculations on or merge Jira field values
  • Compare one field to another
  • Write formulas using Jira fields as variables, to derive new insights
  • Mark overdue items red or completed items green, so they stand out

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, then Structure Formulas might be for you.

As the name suggests, it’s a feature in Structure for Jira — one of the top-selling project management add-ons on the Atlassian Marketplace. The feature lets you write Excel-like formulas so that you can do real-time calculations without leaving Jira, without exporting, and without coding an additional automation script.

That saves you time. You don't have to context-switch, and you might be spared from having to download a CSV file or ask a Jira admin for a new automation rule — the kinds of things that can really bog down daily work.

Instead, all you need to do is insert a column in a spreadsheet-like "structure" and add a Formula column.

Formulas in Structure are written using Expr (like expert, but without the ‘t’), a language with easy-to-learn fundamentals. It relies on Jira data and conditional logic, such as IF statements, and once you get the hang of it, you can easily ramp up the complexity to get the specific insights you need.

Getting started is quite intuitive. You can use the name of the Jira fields in the formulas, like:

IF timeSpent > ogEstimate : "over work estimate"

In this example, timeSpent is a variable that is automatically mapped to a Jira field based on its name. If there is a match, the variable is highlighted in green.


timeSpent is recognized as a variable, but not ogEstimate

If there is no match — like in the case of ogEstimate — the value is highlighted in red and you can then easily map it to an existing Jira field after you click on the variable name.


Choose the field where you would like to map your variable

Check out these examples of Formulas calculations, to get an idea of how they might help your teams.


Compare time spent plus remaining estimate to the original estimate

A simple but efficient way to check if tasks are on track is to use the formula below, which compares time spent plus remaining estimate to the original estimate.

IF timeSpent + remainingEstimate > originalEstimate : "over work estimate"


A convenient way to identify issues that are over work estimate


Count issues that match a certain criteria

Building off of our previous example, sometimes you might not want to print text like “over work estimate” but work with numeric values instead.

Both approaches can easily be done with Formulas. To count issues that match a certain criteria, you can write a formula that outputs a numeric value 1 instead of text.

Rolled-up values at the initiative, theme, epic, and story levels

From here, you can easily roll up the values to get a count of items that are “over work estimate” at each hierarchy level by checking the “sum over sub-items” box.

Note that checking the “sum over sub-items” box is the same as wrapping the formula in between the brackets of the SUM{} function:

SUM{ IF timeSpent + remainingEstimate > originalEstimate : 1 }

If you choose to use SUM in the formula, make sure to uncheck the “Sum over sub-items” box to avoid double-counting items.


Score any metric you can think of

Structure comes with many built-in formulas like RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort), or WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) if you’re working with the Scaled Agile framework. But don’t let these out-of-the-box formulas stop you from experimenting with the Expr language. Once you get the hang of it, you can use it to calculate any metric you can think of.


Use wiki markup or markdown for conditional formatting

There’s no better, quicker way to make important things stand out than by calling them out visually.

Our users write various formulas to format output in Jira with wiki markup (if using Data Center and/or Server) or wiki markdown (if using Jira Cloud), so as to understand work at a glance.

We’ve seen users apply conditional formatting to identify high-risk tickets, like in the screenshot below.

High risk issues feat. thundercloud emojis

It uses this formula, which is written using wiki markdown on Jira Cloud:

  WITH min = 60 * 1000:
  WITH hour = 60 * min:
  WITH day = 8 * hour:
  WITH week = 5 * day:
  WITH weeks = FLOOR(time / week):
  WITH r1 = time - weeks * week:
  WITH days = FLOOR(r1 / day):
  WITH r2 = r1 - days * day:
  WITH hours = FLOOR(r2 / hour):
  WITH r3 = r2 - hours * hour:
  WITH mins = r3 / min:
  (((weeks * 7 + days) * 24 + hours) * 60 + mins) * min

WITH FORMAT_CAPTION(color, caption) = (
  WITH SPACE(pixels) = """!https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Spacer.gif|width=$pixels!""":
  """:panel[$Caption]{backgroundColor=$color color=white}"""

WITH diff = FLOOR((due_date - (TODAY() + WORK_TIME_TO_CALENDAR_TIME(sum {remaining}))) / 86400000):
IF issueType = "epic":
IF diff < 0:
  FORMAT_CAPTION("#EF4B59", ":cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:**High Risk** ")
ELSE IF diff < 15:
  FORMAT_CAPTION("#FFAF00", ":sun_behind_large_cloud:;**At Risk**")
  FORMAT_CAPTION("#59B161", ":sunny: **On Track**")

This formula is a basic velocity calculation, based on the due date and remaining estimate at the epic level.

It calculates two things: the work that needs to be done given the remaining estimate – which is rolled up to the epic – and the number of days between “now” and the due date.

If the difference – between the number of days between now and the due date – is over 15 days, things are On Track. If it’s less than 15, it’s At Risk, because the team only has two weeks to sort things out. If it’s less than 0, the epic is marked High Risk, which seems like the case with our sample epics.

A couple of things worth noting:

  • diff is a user-defined variable that represents the difference in number of days
  • 86400000 is the total number of milliseconds in a day (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds * 1000). Milliseconds is the compatible unit when counting days and duration in Jira – it is the way Jira calculates built-in date and duration fields.


Another way we’ve seen users apply conditional formatting is to create a single score with Red Amber Green:

All green for Structure.Gantt

The structure uses this formula, written using wiki markdown on Jira Data Center/Server:

IF progress >= 0.7 :
"{panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=white|bgColor=#59B161} !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/weath_icn-01.png|width=20,height=20! !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=14!{color:white}*Great*{color}!https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=13!{panel}"

ELSE IF progress <= 0.3 :
"{panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=white|bgColor=#EF4B59} !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/weath_icn-03.png|width=20,height=20! !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=7!{color:white}*At Risk* {color}!https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=7!{panel}"

"{panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=white|bgColor=#FFAF00} !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/weath_icn-02.png|width=20,height=20! !https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=19!{color:white} *OK* {color}!https://d1.almworks.com/.files/Spacer.gif|width=18!{panel}"

Others even use formulas to gamify their structures, so that issues only get a green score if all of their fields are filled out.

Calculate average time to complete issues

Another way to use formulas is to calculate average time to complete issues, which can come in handy when you want to get a sense of your team’s velocity.

On Jira Cloud, you can use the formula:

AVG{ DAYS_BETWEEN(created, resolved) }

Users on Jira Data Center and Server, where transition columns are supported, can get even more realistic readouts by using the formula:

AVG{ DAYS_BETWEEN(transition_inprogress, transition_done) }



Average time to complete issues, in days


Horizontally merge story points and time estimate fields into one complete estimate rollup

It’s an all-too-common use case. One team uses Original Estimate, while another uses Story Points. Or maybe all teams use Story Points, but they mean different things depending on the team. One team counts a Story Point as a day, while another counts it as a half-day.

Structure helps resolve such situations by allowing teams to merge different estimates into one estimate rollup.

In the first example of two teams using Original Estimate and Story Points, we could merge the two by using a formula like:

IF storyPoints : 
storyPoints * (3600 * 1000 * 8)

Here we multiply the story points by milliseconds in an 8-hour day to convert the value to a duration, and by checking sum over sub-items, we can roll up everything into a single estimated value with the original estimate.

See how many sprints an issue has been added to

For the sprint planners, this formula is a one-liner that tells you the number of sprints associated with any given Jira issue.



Compare resolved dates with sprint end dates

You’ve wrapped up many sprints; now it's time for a retrospective. Did team(s) complete a sprint on time, early, or late?

A useful formula for providing these insights is the following formula, which will only return story points of issues which were resolved before the sprint ended:

IF sprint.endDate > resolved : storyPoints

If the sprint end date is past the resolved date, the structure will show the story points for that issue – and roll them up (with sub over sub-items checked), depending on your hierarchy.

If the issue is still unresolved, structure won’t count the story points: they’ll be blank and converted to zero.

But wait…there’s more!

The formulas we’ve included in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. Once you get the hang of the Expr language, you’ll be writing Formulas to meet your team reporting needs in no time.

➡️ Want to write formulas yourself? Find Formulas in Structure, the flexible project management app available for Jira Cloud, Data Center, and Server, and try it free for 30 days.

➡️ Find sample formulas (that you can copy and paste) for Jira Data Center/Server and Jira Cloud. Note that there are some differences between the two versions.

➡️ Are you already using Formulas? We’d love to hear your feedback. Let us know in the comments and feel free to share your favorites!




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Maxim Grouchevoi
August 3, 2022

Awesome! Structure is getting better and better. 

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Dave Liao
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 4, 2022

@Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_ - this is an awesome write-up!

I love including emoji on Structure boards - I encourage users to use standard OS-level emoji.

Curious, are the emoji in this write-up embedded in Structure? For example, :sunny:

If so, could a future version of Structure have a blank emoji embedded so there's no need to reference a spacer.gif from an external website?

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Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_
Atlassian Partner
August 4, 2022

Thanks @Dave Liao,

It works slightly differently on different deployments.  On cloud we have a lot of built in emojis, here's the list if you're interested.  On Server/DC we use the Jira built in wiki, which has slightly fewer emoji options.

The other option would be to insert a "■" character and make it the same color as the background, to achieve the same effect.  There are some similar examples here in our documentation.  Although I'm not sure that makes the code above simpler, however removing external dependencies is always a safe bet.  

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Dave Liao
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 4, 2022

@Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_ - sweet, appreciate the links! 💜💪⚡️

Sherwin Soriano
January 6, 2025




I would like to inquire about a specific requirement in terms of reporting purposes.

Right now, we are manually doing this in Excel and manually checking the values in our JIRA board per team per sprint.

The report is about segregating specific tickets for project work and BAU work, per team, per sprint. We calculate the total story points or estimated time for all project work per team, every sprint and another one for BAU Work. We then divide the numbers to see the ratio.

Another Excel report that we usually update is about how specific JIRA tickets move from one department to another (e.g. from Department A to B to C) and every time it moves, this excel needs to be updated in terms of status, or estimates.

We will need a plugin or an app that can do math calculations based on JIRA data as well.

We would like to know if your product can do/support this.

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