Customizing Tempo Timesheet reminder emails

Pierangelo Repetti
May 12, 2023


we are considering enabling Scheduler in Tempo Timesheets to send reminders to late users.

I can't find a way to check what the email text will be and I can't obviously enable it for everyone just to find out.

Is there a way to see what the resulting email will look like ?

Is there a way to customize the email text ?

Thank you


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Terence _Tempo Support_ May 12, 2023

Hello Pierangelo,

The ability to see/edit the email varies depending on which hosting method you are using:

For Tempo Server/Data-Center (on-premise installs), the email can be seen and edited, for more information please see the following link:

For Tempo cloud, this functionality does not currently exist, however, samples of the emails can be seen below:

Sent to all users

Reminder sent to all.png


Sent to late users:Reminder sent to late users.png

I hope this helps.

Terence (at Tempo)

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