Automation for Jira - the last update screwed up our configuration

Administrator August 1, 2018

Hello Jira Team,

We have installed "Automation for Jira" plugin to automate our daily tasks, a lot of configuration was done.

recently an update was occured, and suddenly all of our work was gone, the only log that i got is that Automation plugin name was changed to Automation for Jira Cloud !

even the Automation window (under Jira Settings>System )has disapeared.

Actually i don't know what to do, please could you help us ?

Thanks in advance


2 answers

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Nick Menere
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 1, 2018



Nick from Automation for Jira here. First up, we never do anything destructive to the data during upgrades. Your data will still be there.


Can ask what version you are upgrading from and to? And a link to the marketplace page for the add-on? There ar e few versions so I want to make sure we are talking about the same one.


A few pages may have moved around depending on what old version you were on. The easiest way to find the page is to press "." while not focussed on a field. This will bring up the global navigation/search. Simply type "Automation" into that and hopefully the required page is there.


If it isn't, try reinstalling from the marketplace.

If this fails, please contact us at



Nick Menere [Automation for Jira]


Administrator August 2, 2018

Dear Nick,

Thank you for your reply,

None of those solutions worked for me, i'm rasing now a support ticket with Automation Team,

Thanks and have a good day;


- Automation Version : 1.1.14
- Marketplace link from where we got the tool :

0 votes
Raynard Rhodes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 1, 2018

Try relocating "Automation for Jira" in the plug-in store. Ours still has that name and we've recently updated as well.

Administrator August 2, 2018

Hi Raynard,

Thank you for your help, unfortuntly, i couldn't find the tool , i'm raising now a support ticket with Automation Tool team;

Many Thanks


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