Assignee field in forms

Monica Panozzo
November 7, 2022

Hello everybody,

I am creating a project in JWM, for which I would like users to create tickets by filling out a form in which I would need that whoever completes the form (reporter) could indicate the assignee.

I cannot insert in the form the assignee field; I tried to put a "person" field and then create an automation that transform the person into the assignee person, but it doesn't work,

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you!

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Ste Wright
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December 28, 2022

Hi @Monica Panozzo 

Forms are a basic version of the "Create Issue" screen - so don't include all fields. See more information on this help page.

The Automation should be possible - but the type "Person" makes me feel like this is a Team-managed Project - and that field type is not supported in Forms.

Could you...

  • Clarify if this is Team-managed or Company-managed?
  • Provide details of the Automation rule?
  • Provide screenshots to show the current Form design?

It's also worth noting that to use the Form you usually need permission to create issues in the Project. Is there a reason users cannot just use the normal "Create Issue" options?


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