Asset Management Automation Rule to update a related object

Crystal Rouse June 19, 2024

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to update another object's attribute value in our schema through an automation rule.

The automation rule would run when Object 1 is updated and meets the criteria.
Then I need to update a record in another object.  The record(s) I need to update are related records in an Object data type attribute in Object 1.

Any suggestions?

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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
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June 19, 2024

@Crystal Rouse 

It is possible, but will be necessary to understand exactly how this automation should works.

I created a sample automation who has this structure:

- Trigger: Object Updated

- Created a var called: object with this smartvalue {{object.key}} / This is my object key who was changed

You can make some conditions with your object by AQL using to validate something before move forward.


- Add a lookup object action with this AQL: key = "{{object}}" / We need this to be able access the linked objects with your first object.


- Open a AQL branch and use this AQL: key = {{lookupObjects.your-attribute.Key}}

- Add an action called Edit Object Attributes > Select your object attributes to be edited.


The updates must happen in the associated assets object and not in your object who trigger the automation rule.

Hope this helps you

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