🍻 Apptoberfest Demo – O'zapft is – Microsoft 365 for Jira – IT project management use case

Hi there,

[O'zapft is = it's tapped]

Happy Apptoberfest everybody! As the original Oktoberfest is an important part of German (better: Bavarian) culture, it is a must for yasoon as a Germany based company to participate in this community event! Now let me dust of my Dirndl, get a chilled Hacker Pschorr (🍺) and here we go:

We're contributing a short demo video of ‘Microsoft 365 for Jira’ in the category project management. With the integration you can add Jira to your Office tools to enable seamless processes for teams working with Microsoft and Jira. It harnesses the power of Microsoft Outlook, Teams and To Do with deep integrations to Jira. It enables you to include all your colleagues, get your tasks done effortlessly and happily flow through your daily work.

Demo: Microsoft 365 for Jira – IT project management use case

Manage projects with all your teams

Usually, teams work with different tools to different extents across departments. This oftentimes leads to fragmented information flows and makes it hard to communicate transparently. However, it is not important to establish one tool for all, but rather to allow all teams to stay in their hometurf and to provide an app that connects these tools. Microsoft 365 for Jira provides Microsoft 365 integrations in Jira and Jira functionality in Microsoft 365 tools.

Power-up your Jira issue with Microsoft Teams and Outlook

Add the functionality of Microsoft 365 to your Jira issue. You can work with issue-related Outlook emails, start a Microsoft Teams chat or channel conversation, or easily schedule a meeting.

Use Jira features in your Microsoft 365 tools

Access all relevant Jira features with add-ins for Microsoft Outlook and Teams. Create new issues from emails or Microsoft Teams conversations – and access Jira issue information in your Office tools.

Thanks for your time, now let’s enjoy all those amazing app demos and as we say in Germany: O’zapft is!




P.S.: Check our second submission to Apptoberfest here: Outlook Calendars for Confluence.



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Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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October 2, 2021

Great app for companies who are already using MS 365/ Outlook/Teams and wants to integrate it with Jira.

Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
October 3, 2021

Thank you, @Kishan Sharma :-)

Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 5, 2021

Over to App demo no. 2 😄 an absolutely great one for pretty much every company! Happy Apptober @Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_!

Huwen Arnone _Deiser_
Atlassian Partner
October 6, 2021

I didn't know this app!! 😮 Thanks again for sharing!!

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Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
October 6, 2021

@Huwen Arnone _Deiser_ Sharing is caring, thank you 💙

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Huwen Arnone _Deiser_
Atlassian Partner
October 6, 2021

Never better said @Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_ 🍻🍂✔

Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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October 9, 2021

Thanks for sharing. This is the most complex app for integration with Teams I've seen so far. Definitely worth trying as many of our customers use Teams and discuss issues in Teams a lot. So I like the most the possibility to see the conversations in the Jira issues.

Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
October 10, 2021

Thank you @Hana Kučerová It's great to get your and your customers perspective on that :-) 

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Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Community Leader
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October 24, 2021

Nice app! Especially Teams integration looks really handy for teams who don't use Slack 👍

Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
October 25, 2021

Thank you @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ that's true! 💬 

Astrid Sieben
October 28, 2021

Cool. I know that a lot of companies are struggling with that topic.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 29, 2021

I really like this app and how it connects your email to Jira, I can see how this would be handy.  The teams feature is also a really nice feature.  

Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
November 1, 2021

Thank you @Brant Schroeder :-)

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