We all have so much amazing content in Confluence, but it's sometimes hard to find what we're looking because things tend to get unstructured. Well, no more!
In this episode of Amazing App Discoveries @Jan Szczepanski and @Oliver Siebenmarck _Polymetis Apps_ take a closer look at Magic Labels and how it makes labelling easy, lets you label many pages at once, automatically label pages and even see & manage a list of all your labels, so that you can organize your Confluence space in style!
Check out the show: https://youtu.be/jWVtCAS7bjM
Jump directly to the demo: https://youtu.be/jWVtCAS7bjM?t=153
And of course, being true to the format, stay all the way to the end for a special offer!
Be sure to try Magic Labels for Confluence today, it's available on the Marketplace.
Oliver Siebenmarck _Polymetis Apps_
Lead Architect @ Polymetis Apps
Polymetis Apps
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