πŸ»πŸ‚ Apptoberfest Demo: Excel-like Tables for Jira

Cheers!🍻, hello Approberfest and Community.

At your company, almost all sections use Excel yet, don't they?

Is it handy if working on Jira and allowing to share values between the Jira field and spreadsheet?

Finish a document on Jira workflow, then submit it to your customers and watch their statuses.

Would you mind watching our short video with a mug of beer🍻?


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Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
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October 15, 2021

This looks like a very useful app! Is it possible to fill in any of the data in the table using the API? E.g. copy a field value from a Jira custom field to a cell in the Excel table?

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Kenichi Abe
October 17, 2021

Hi @Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_ ,

Thanks for your comment.
"Jira field mapping" feature allows cells to read from Jira fields and write to ones.

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Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
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October 27, 2021

When you can't move everyone from Excel to Jira, then let's bring Excel to Jira 😁🍻 Great idea and a nice app.

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Brant Schroeder
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October 28, 2021

@Kenichi Abe very beneficial app to users who love excel and want to keep it's functionality in Jira.

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