Test management tools can be of great help to testers. They allow your quality control specialists to create tests and capture test results, organize and manage the testing process, and much more. On the other hand, without some essential knowledge of the tool capabilities, it may turn out that your testers are not as efficient as they could be. This article provides a couple of tips that allow testers to work faster and provide better quality control using QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira.
Review insights from past executions before executing a test case
The past executions of the given test provide a tester with many important clues that can help them detect potential problems faster. With QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira such information is available close at hand during each test execution. Insights from past executions are displayed right below the currently executed test.
They contain information about the status of previous test execution and the date of the last failure. The tester can easily navigate to those executions to investigate them.
Additionally, the insights also contain information about bugs reported for the same test in the past. Thanks to them, the tester immediately knows whether the problem has been already tackled. What’s more, the list of bugs reported for the particular test can help point out which parts of the system may be especially vulnerable and might need additional attention while testing.
The "Failed" steps tab serves a very similar purpose. It helps testers quickly assess which test steps have generated the most problems in the past. This provides additional insights on which parts of the test might require more focus. All of this to find bugs easier and faster!
Reduce the time spent on unproductive clicking
The less time the tester spends updating results in the test management tool, the more time they have to thoroughly test the particular feature. Both QAlity - Test Management for Jira and QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira give them the ability to update all, or selected test steps of test execution with just a few clicks!
Let your testers do the testing without any distractions and then quickly insert the testing results.
Report and link bugs in no time with direct bug reports on test executions
Finding and reporting bugs is a part of testers’ work. Thanks to the integration of bug reporting on the test execution screen, testers can easily report spotted problems without switching contexts. In addition, if the same bug has already been reported in the past, testers can easily find and link an existing bug. Yet another way to save some precious time!
Reporting and linking bugs via this simple interface have yet another advantage - it generates data for the insights mentioned in the first tip. This, in consequence, provides testers executing subsequent tests more hints and lets them spot problems easier!
The test management tool should work alongside the tester and equip them with all the necessary data they need to perform their tasks quickly and effectively. This is exactly what QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira strives to achieve. Our goal is to make testers' lives easier by reducing the time they spend on unproductive, repetitive tasks and at the same time by ensuring they can provide the best quality control in the systems they are responsible for.
QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira is available for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center. Feel free to reach our support in case of any questions!
Sebastian Brudziński
Head of Products
Gdynia, Poland
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