Hello Marketers!
I am a Product Manager in Jira Cloud and I have been working with alot of Marketers recently to understand their needs in Jira.
One thing which has come up is the need to track and report on the performance of a project, such as through ROI and other key metrics defined when a campaign or project kicks off.
As I explore this space, I would love to chat to some more Marketers who use Jira today. If you can spare 45 mins to chat please sign up to my research project here. As a token of my appreciation, we will send you a USD50 gift card after.
For those who can't make it, I'd love to hear about your use cases and needs in the comments below.
Thanks everyone and I hope to hear from you!
@Emily _ DevSamurai - yes please do! i look forward to learning more
@Emily _ DevSamurai - i would still love to chat if you have the time (i know the end of year can be busy!!)
hello there.
For my Marketing Campaigns the Jira is used to help us to organize the tasks and the chronogram. And we mesure the results of the campaigns using the Google Analytics Tags on our website or landing pages. Depending of the results we optimize or pause some campaigns and it will reflect on Jira´s tasks.
thanks @fabio ! I'd love to know a couple of things out of this process:
- Do you copy across any of the campaign results from Google Analytics into Jira?
- Would you like to be able to see the Google Analytics data in Jira at all?
Hi! This sounds so interesting! I would love to chat with you as I'm a product marketer, using many Atlassian products in my daily work (JSM, JWM, Atlas) and have tried different approaches that I'll be happy to discuss.