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How I use AI as a product marketer: top tips and prompts

Hi everyone,

I’m Daniella, a product marketer at Atlassian. I’m currently working on our Atlassian Intelligence (AI) features in Confluence, which are currently in Beta. Here are some of my favorite AI applications so far in product marketing, and how to implement them.

Spoiler alert: it’s not just for writing blog posts. 😉

How I think about AI as a marketer

AI is a tool to augment human capabilities.

Think of it as a turbocharger for your work - it doesn’t just add power; it boosts everything you’re already doing.

AI is there to complete a task you define, with a goal you set. You are there to do the critical thinking and manage the outputs. It can’t yet predict your intent - you have to be explicit.

When thinking of how you interact with AI, consider 3 things:

  • The task, e.g. write an email
  • The goal, e.g. increase engagement rate
  • The action, e.g. test copy to find the most effective version

Finally, be sure to review and refine everything you create with AI, to detect oversights.

Understand my customers better

  • Gain insights into new audiences and customer profiles, which traditionally could take extensive research and analysis.

    • E.g. define a specific persona and ask AI to define their jobs to be done, pain points, and buying influence

  • AI can help you understand the customer journey and how and where pain points map to them.

  • AI can help you create a customer research plan by providing outreach copy, an interview script, interview questions, and follow-up copy.

Check out some prompts in action!

Understand the market better

  • AI can help you understand key competitors in a market category or segment, their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

  • AI can help you search through online communities like Reddit to glean top insights and themes - try Gummy Search or Gigabrain!

Sample result from Gummy Search

gummy search result.png

Sample result from Gigabrain

giga brain results.png

Speed up your work

  • AI can help you re-write your brain dump of messy notes into a succinct overview you can share with colleagues.

  • AI can help you repackage your content for different purposes.


🔥 Hot tips for prompts 🔥

  • Use action words when crafting your prompts to be direct and specific. “Create”, “build”, “draft”, and “suggest” are good examples. Passive, vague prompts generate a broader response that may not contain the information you are looking for.

  • If you’re a beginner, don’t try to front-load too much detail in your prompt. It’s better to treat prompting like you’re having a conversation with someone. Start with a more basic prompt, and add layers of detail to your follow-up prompts.

  • Tell your tool upfront to limit its recommendations - they can be long-winded by default - by a certain number, based on research available.

How do you use AI in your role?

We’d love to know more about your thoughts and feedback on your experiences with AI in the workplace, and how our Atlassian Intelligence (AI) features can help you.

Please take a moment to fill out this short form.

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LaToya Muff _Snyk_ December 5, 2023

This is a great article. I've used AI quite a bit to help with content development but I've never thought about using it to understand customers better, especially the customer journey. Excited to dig into how to execute this more. 

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