We are Hiring - Project Manager- JIRA Admin

Dan Stein
April 23, 2020

Project Manager/JIRA Administrator - $90,000-$130,000

This person would report to the Director of Product Development and Programing Services. The position can be remote and would require an expense paid trip to the home office in Syracuse, NY 2-4 times a year. The addition of this person would give us someone who could reconfigure the Jira tool to better meet both the needs of the team and the VP''s. The would work with the Director of Product Development and Programing Services to listen too and propose solutions to problems and needs from upper management.

  • Maintaining the complete Jira instance in an efficient way so that it can be able to integrate with other tools in Atlassian (we already use Confluence, Bitbucket - code repository and version control, Toggle just to name a few)
  • Reconfigure Jira so it provides an industry-standard SCRUM/Agile workflow for the team.
  • Reconfigure Jira so it provides a Gannt chart view for Dan and upper-level management that use JIRA
  • Use Jira to manage the bulk upload of issues, uploading Test-cases for engineer & User QA/“operational testing group”
  • Automate release notes, management reporting integration, and track team/engineer velocity/performance
  • Through the SmartSheets connector provide the data from that GANNT chart to SmartSheets
  • Document and sometimes run regular stand-ups and other necessary meetings with the team
  • Along with Dan manage sprints and the multiple projects developer teams are working on
  • Would-be a counterpart to the Scrum Master who is now on the DOH calls and function in a similar role. That would increase our legitimacy with the DOH outside contractor.
  • Manage and measure team performance to keep improving our velocity, especially as we add members to the team
  • Use confluence to keep historical track of our work and projects and make sure projects that need it to have a flowchart, confluence specification, and a set of proper tasks to support the work.

Interested. Contact me at 610-256-2843 on dstein@medanswering.com

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Dan Stein
June 2, 2020

This job has been filled

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