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Structure plugin suddenly not showing JIRA fields anymore

Patrizia Heinzl May 24, 2024

Hello all,

since two days I suddenly have the issue that structure is not showing any results for fields/ variables anymore.

All my existing columns with field values are not showing up anymore. If defining a new variable, it is also not working since it cannot find anything other than some predefined values. Not one JIRA issue field we are using is found.

e.g it does not even find the status anymore. If searching for "status" it shows "no results".

Screenshot 2024-05-24 110010.jpg

Do you have any idea what could be causing this?

It was working fine two days ago. I'm only a user of our project so I'm not sure if IT support could have done something which caused this?


Thank you,


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Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_
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May 27, 2024

Hello @Patrizia Heinzl 

If even standard columns can be found, then it's possible that something is broken somewhere - either in Structure or in Jira. Please submit a support request at our portal, and we'll investigate this matter.

Best regards,
Tempo (the Structure app vendor)

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