Use SIL to the maximum Part 4

Part 3

Mail Sender Configuration

It is a tricky one. You can find Vendor's documentation here.

You can send a email with the sendEmail SIL routine and this menu option lets you provide parameters for this routine.

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 13.34.20.png

My templates directory provides the path to the email templates.

Mail language on lets you define the language of the sent email by Sender or Receiver. If you use email templates you can create templates for multiple languages. You can read more here.

Send mail via lets you define how your email will be sent. Here are the available options:

  • Container Sender - sends a message by adding your email into the Jira mail queue.

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 14.26.34.png

And you can see error and debug messages in the atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log if you have properly configured your logs. You can read more on how to configure email logging here. I prefer to use this option.

  • Direct sender, custom - you can define your own SMTP mail server:

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 14.32.54.png

You will not see the email message in the Jira mail queue or logs in the atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log file, but you will be able to see log messages in the atlassian-jira.log file.

  • Direct sender, default - you can use the SMTP server defined in Jira. The email message will be send by SIL. You will not see the email message in the Jira mail queue or logs in the atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log file, but you will be able to see log messages in the atlassian-jira.log file.
  • Null sender (log only) - the message will be written in the logs (it will not be sent to the receiver). But surprise, surprise! The level of the log is INFO, but the default log level for the com.keplerinfo package is ERROR. And as a result no logs in the log file, no emails in the email box and this option is the default one. I spent an hour to figure out how to make everything work. Just add the INFO log level for the com.keplerinfo (more info here) or choose another option. Here is an example of a log message:

2020-05-24 14:19:53,601+0300 pool-42-thread-8 INFO admin 859x6032x1 aizaws 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/keplerrominfo/refapp/latest/async-script/runScriptFromEditor [c.k.r.sil.impl.MailConfigurationAccessor] NULL MAILER (log only mail sender) : Subject: aa, From: null, To: [], CC: [], Body:

Asynchronous Runner

If you click on this menu option you will see the following screen. You can find Vendor's information here:

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 15.07.20.png

Threads sets the number of threads for SIL engine. By default it is set to 10 which means that you can not execute more than 10 SIL scripts concurrently. If you have many scripts running at the same time consider to increase this value.

Time To Live (TTL) sets the time for a thread to live. The default value is 1 hour. It means that if a script runs more than 1 hour it will be killed. If you have long running scripts consider to increase this value.

Checkpoint Interval sets the time how often SIL engine will check running threads and kill the threads if the threads have been running for more than TTL time.

Also you can see all running tasks in the Running tasks part of the screen.

Part 5



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