Jira Image of the Day: Breadcrumbs in Cloud


Concept Relates To

Application Type

Jira Work Management, Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Core

Deployment Type

Jira Cloud

What is shown?

An issue in a Jira Software project in Jira Cloud

What can we learn?

Each issue has breadcrumbs above the issue’s summary. Use them to understand what project an issue is in, if it’s part of an epic, or if it’s a child of another issue. The breadcrumbs at the top left of the issue show that OD-5 is part of the DEV-4 epic. DEV-4 has a different project key so you can tell it’s part of a different project. The breadcrumbs also show that OD-5 is in the Jira project called “Offshore Development“.


In Cloud, hover over the epic in the breadcrumbs to see a pencil icon.


Click the pencil to change the associated epic or remove the association.


As OD-5 shows, epics can contain issues from multiple projects.

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Tracy Stimac
March 13, 2024

@Rachel Wright With this image, there is an assumption that the assignee, reporter, viewing user has appropriate permissions to both projects and that the boards are set up to include issues from multiple projects, correct?

Rachel Wright
Community Leader
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March 18, 2024

Hi @Tracy Stimac, yes, to see Jira issues there are multiple levels of permissions a user must have. Thanks - you've inspired my next "Jira Image of the Day" post! I've explained the different permission levels here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Jira-Image-of-the-Day-Permission-Levels/ba-p/2643977


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