We've all been here. We downloaded the Jira data center to start learning and we navigate to the localhost:8080 - since Jira uses the port 8080 for accessing your data center instance, there is an error that is stating that you need to set up your Jira home.
Fortunately, there is a solution for this (this is much easier than setting up your Java home).
1. Navigate to your extracted Jira data center folder
2. Navigate to atlassian-jira folder
3. Navigate to WEB-INF folder
4. Navigate to classes folder
5. You need to open the jira-application.properties with the text editor (either nano or vim)
6. Edit the Jira home
NOTE: Jira home needs to be outside of the folder where your Jira data center was extracted - otherwise you will get another error
When you are done with setting up - you need to use Control + X in order to save the changes of your path (in order to get the path, you can use the pwd command).
After all of the steps from above, you can run your Jira again by using the ./start-jira.sh
NOTE: start-jira.sh is located in your bin folder.
Nikola Perisic
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