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JWM Premium have Plans?

darren_tan July 7, 2024

hi there,

We are currently using JWM but assumed it was Jira. We wanted to use plans which is a premium feature. But after getting premium, plans are not available to us. What can we do? 

Convert to Jira? But this is apparently happening already...


2 answers

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darren_tan July 7, 2024

so just to clarify, JWM will be Jira next year. everything will be migrated then.

If we want to use plans right now, we will need to get JSM? So JWM premium doesn't really offer any extra benefits. 

alternatively, we subscribe to Jira premium right now? can we migrate everything over quickly? thanks.

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Trudy Claspill
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July 7, 2024

Hello @darren_tan 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

From the FAQs regarding the merge of JWM and JSW to form "Jira"

What does this mean for Jira Work Management subscriptions

Jira Work Management subscriptions can no longer be purchased online starting May 1, 2024. Customers with existing Jira Work Management quotes can still purchase until the expiration date on their quote.

Users on a Jira Work Management subscription will continue to have access to Jira Work Management until their users are migrated to a Jira subscription or until the end of their contract term, as applicable. The features in Jira Work Management will continue to be available in Jira and customer data will continue to exist in Jira. Migrations will begin in early 2025 – several months in advance of your migration, we will provide more details on the next steps and your options.

If you choose to opt out of migration, you will continue to have access to Jira Work Management until the end of your contract term.


If you subscribed only to JWM you will continue to be subscribed only to JWM until you contract expires or until 2025, whichever comes first. And Advanced Roadmaps Plans is not a feature available only in JWM. If you want to get access to Plans you will have to add a subscription to JSW. You may want to reach out to the Atlassian Billing, Pricing and Licensing team to find out more about that.

Trudy Claspill
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July 7, 2024

If you are interested in transitioning to Jira before the migrations start in 2025 refer to

For information on the differences between the JWM Standard and Premium plan features refer to

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Shihui Su July 8, 2024


from the FAQ

Existing Jira Work Management business projects in the same Jira instance will be unaffected as we update your subscription and there will be no need to migrate data. All existing business project functionality that was available with Jira Work Management subscriptions will continue to be available in Jira.

Currently we are on JWM, but we are looking to upgrade to JIRA Premium.

Once our subscription is updated to JIRA Premium, all projects created in our instance should work with the Plans feature, right? From what I see, the migration is purely a subscription migration and not related to projects and our data.

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July 8, 2024

the migration is purely a subscription migration and not related to projects and our data.”

对,升级 Plan 本身是升级更多功能特性,不会动你现有的项目和数据。

大事,如果你们已经在使用 JWM,且有些 JWM 项目和数据的话,这些项目如果想使用 Jira Software 功能(例如:Release,Backlog),那么可能会涉及到升级到 Premium Plan 后的 Data Migration。

Shihui Su July 8, 2024

Thanks, so I guess the answer to my question "Once our subscription is updated to JIRA Premium, all projects created in our instance (JWM) should work with the Plans feature, right?" should be Yes? For Plans, I am referring to the Advanced Roadmaps feature.

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