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How to see all my projects in one calendar

Lorena Martinez
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June 8, 2023


I work in a Marketing agency and we would need to have Jira set up as follows:

1. We would like to see all projects in one calendar.

Need: we need to see all projects (not with their tasks) in one calendar in order to see the workload in future months and be able to take a decision when selling new projects.


We tried Big gant but we are not able to set it up as we need.

We would be grateful if you could help us on this!


Thank you 


2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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June 8, 2023

Hello @Lorena Martinez 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Are you using Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center? If you URL is similar to the following you are using Jira Cloud:


Are you using the Jira Work Management product or the Jira Software product or both? Are you creating Business/Work Management projects or Software projects or both?

It looks like ProjectTrak might provide what you want. I have never used that app before. I'm sure there are others that might do the same thing.

Lorena Martinez
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 9, 2023

Hi @Trudy Claspill  - Thank you for your answer. We have Jira Cloud - Jira Software.

We will need to be able to see a calendar with all projects (not their issues), so we are able to check fast if in the coming months we do have time to accept a new project, according to workload. If there is any app you have used before, it would be great.

I feel we tried different but none give us the service we need.

Trudy Claspill
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June 9, 2023

I have never had that requirement, so I have not worked specifically when any apps that can fulfill that requirement.

As I mentioned, it looks like ProjectTrak might provide what you want. I suggest you try that one.

You could also tell us which apps you have actually tried and how they were unable to fulfill your requirement.

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John Funk
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June 8, 2023

Hi Lorena - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

If you have a premium subscription, then there is a new feature coming that will provide you with what you are looking for.

Trudy Claspill
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June 8, 2023

That would show the individual tasks for all the projects on one calendar. The OP is asking for a higher level view, I think, showing the start and end dates at the project level.

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