Create cloned tickets with same data starting from the original ticket

Francesco Bramato March 23, 2022


we are migrating from our Jira Core instance to Jira Work Management.

One of our projects have a huge customizations done via Script Runner that create multiple tickets starting from the original one but updating a specific custom field.



Our Backoffice need to rework massively many products (printed products) with a change in one of their information (Company Name, for example)

They start creating a ticket, inserting in one multiline custom field the list of products impacted, one per line 

The actual customization via Script Runner take the products list and creates one ticket for each product with the same summary \ description of the original one and linking each other. 

This avoid to create manually N tickets, with the same information and one different: the custom field containing the product code.

The Printing department, so, have multiple but single tickets, with the clear reference to the product to change and then they can work on them separately assigning to different users.


Moving to Jira Work Management, we would to stop using Script Runner for the high price change respect the hosted version. 

We alredy have migrated with success other Script Runner tasks with the internal project Automation.

We can evalulate, eventually, other plugins with a lower cost achieving the same thing.



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Ste Wright
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March 26, 2022

Hi @Francesco Bramato 

I'd look into native Automation first - it can certainly create multiple Issues based on the first one being created (i.e the trigger).

It might not quite work the same way as it doesn't read data the same way as Scriptrunner in all scenarios.

For example you might...

  • Create a multi-select list custom field, with all the products
  • Set the Automation to be if Issue 1 has Products A, B, and C selected - then create Issues 2, 3, and 4

It might not be this simple - but if you could provide us the logic and/or screenshots of the step-by-step process you use with Scriptrunner, we might be able to provide some more specific alternatives :)


Francesco Bramato March 28, 2022

Hi @Ste Wright 

thanks for the response.

Unfortunately is not so easy, we are talking about thousands products so a manual rule is not applicable.

Ste Wright
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March 28, 2022

Hi @Francesco Bramato 

Is it thousands of variations, or thousands of cloned issues - or both?

How often is this process run?


Francesco Bramato March 28, 2022

the post function runs at ticket creation.

So the user can pick from a autocomplete select, multiple, managed with Elements Connect and connected directly to our ERP.

Selecting X products, Script Runner create X tickets, cloned, one per each article, with same summary, description, saving the N article code in the custom field, and linking each other.

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