multi-steps service desk ticket creation

Raphael Dreyfus November 6, 2018

I would like:

1. To "force" my customers to check the knowledge base before submitting a new ticket.

2. To think twice before setting the priority of a ticket as "Blocker".

Is it possible to make the creation of a new ticket a multi-steps operation?

For example:

Step one will be a window only with the summary field (title of the issue)

Step two will be articles from the Knowledge Base and only after clicking on "None of those articles answer my needs", the customer will access the step 3

Step 3 will be a window with all the fields (the exact window we have today)

When the customer will click on the "submit" button, if the priority was set to "Blocker" a pop-up window will ask "Does this issue really prevent you from doing your work? Does it affects all your customers?" and if the customer then click "No" the priority will automatically be changed to Critical.


Any solution, idea even on partial solution, would be appreciated,

2 answers

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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November 7, 2018

I agree, not natively available, but a great idea.  Especially checking KB first.  Maybe that could be a feature request for Atlassian

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Jack Brickey
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November 6, 2018

you cannot do this natively. I have wanted something similar. You might check the marketplace to see if any addons are available to help w/ this approach.

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