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how can I link an incident to an already existing knowledge base article?

Peter Straub March 26, 2015

In the current version of JIRA Service desk I can only create a KB article directly.

New incidents often refer to a known error or a KB article that has already been created and documented.

  • How can I easily link a new incident to an existing KB article so that the KB article also appears as "Mentioned in" in the JIRA issue (See screenshot) and that this incident is also referred to in the KB article?


Currently, I can only link a new incident to an existing KB article as "Confluence Page". This link appears as "Wiki page" link (see screenshot).


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Alf Karlsen
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April 24, 2015

This can be achieved by editing the page in Confluence and in under "Related issues" panel, paste in the URL to isse http://<FQDN>/browse/KEY-45. The URL will be transformed to JIRA Issue/Filter. Press Save and the connection should appear right next to page Title.

Peter Straub April 24, 2015

Thank you. That's the workaround I was looking for.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 27, 2015

-> Service Desk - Settings - Knowledge base 
You can set labels for request types and your KB article if KB is connected to your service desk.
Label the article, use the same label in service desk for the referring request type and you can search for the labeled solution in the SD.


Peter Straub March 29, 2015

You describe how I can find an article by setting labels. I want to link it (see screenshots).

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 30, 2015

And you want to link it - cause of reasons ? I don't get why you want this.

Peter Straub April 7, 2015

There are incidents that are caused by new problems and there are incidents that are caused by known problems and errors. Know errors and known problems would be documented in a knowledge base. In this case this is a Confluence space and a knowledge base article (kb article) is a page. I want to link an incident to an already existing kb article because the error or problem is known and I don't want to create a new kb article and thus duplicating, triplicating, etc. the problem or workaround description.

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