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can you create a ticket using an email distribution list, or add a participant?

Jonathan Fielding July 20, 2020

Trying to include "" as a participant in a ticket.

Is it possible to do so?



2 answers

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Dina Goncharenko July 20, 2020

Well, what if you create a fake user and set it's email to the group email that contains all the emails? Will this work?

Jonathan Fielding July 20, 2020

it doesn't recognise the distribution list as an email address, unfortunately.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 20, 2020

It would work only for sending notifications about the ticket to the distribution list.

It would not work for giving the members of the email distribution list access to the ticket as individuals. They would have to login to JIRA as the fake user in order to access the ticket, and then any actions they took would be under the fake user credentials which eliminates traceability of who exactly took the action.

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 20, 2020

Hello @Jonathan Fielding 

Welcome to the community.

The Participants field is a User Picker field so unless that email corresponds to an individual  user/customer of your JIRA service desk, then the answer is "no".

Can you explain more about the problem you are trying to solve? Why are you trying to add an email distribution list as a "Participant"? How many people are in the list? How are they related to the ticket and ticket reporter (or ticket topic)?

Jonathan Fielding July 20, 2020

Hi Trudy,

The distribution list contains the email addresses for the members of a specific committee who are all required to contribute to / have access to all info in the ticket.

Adding a dist'n list just makes it much easier / quicker to add all committee members to these sorts of tickets.

If this isn't currently possible, could it be a feature in a future update?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 20, 2020

Hello @Jonathan Fielding 

You should open a support request with Atlassian to find out if this is already a feature request.

It is not a simple as adding an email distribution as a participant, though. JIRA would have to be able to resolve that email distribution list to a list of individual users so that it could then check if those individual users have adequate permissions to view and act on the ticket.

Are the members of the distribution list "customers" of your service desk or are the Service Desk team members?

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