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add ticket creation date on “SLA met vs breached” report on JIRA

Tej T April 14, 2018

Hi Team,


 We are trying to add ticket creation date on “SLA met vs breached” report on JIRA. When I save and trying to see on report, it is not showing the column. I may doing it wrong, please advise.Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 2.23.04 PM.png

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Jack Brickey
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April 14, 2018

I think you are expectations don't match the intent of the function you are attempting. While i haven't looked to change the chart before I had a look to understand it.

It seems you are trying to add a column to the table below the chart. Specifically you want Created Date to appear. However, the image you show is associated w/ "Filtering" the chart and table. So when you select Created date you will see it is asking you to specify the filter criteria, e.g. "within the last" say 60 min. What this will then do when you save it is to show only issues Met and Breached w/in the last hour.

Now as for adding the created date column to the table. There are actual two table views: the summary table when no specific day is selected and then if you select a day you get a detailed list of each issue. In the summary table it obviously wouldn't make sense to have a created date. However, in the detailed view it would be nice to see the created date, however, I see no way to add that.

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