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Where can I run a report on all of the customers I have added to Service Desk

Sara Nicholson February 5, 2018

I just want to run a simple report to tell me what customers are active in Service Desk

2 answers

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 5, 2018

Hi Sara,

You can run the SQL statement found in How to Get a List of Active Users Counting Towards the JIRA application License:

SELECT DISTINCT u.lower_user_name
FROM   cwd_user u
       JOIN cwd_membership m
         ON = m.child_id
            AND u.directory_id = m.directory_id
       JOIN licenserolesgroup lrg
         ON Lower(m.parent_name) = Lower(lrg.group_id)
       JOIN cwd_directory d
         ON m.directory_id =
WHERE = '1'
       AND = '1'
 AND license_role_name = 'jira-servicedesk';

You may need to modify the query to fit your environment.  Take a look at How to Get a List of Active Users Counting Towards the JIRA application License for more info.

Hopefully this helps.



Sara Nicholson February 5, 2018

Great! Thanks Branden, I will give it a try!

1 vote
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 5, 2018

what do you mean by active? You can easily see all customers for a given JSD project under the Customer page for the project. You can see all customers under the User Management area and the Jira Service Desk screen and then export if you wish.

Sara Nicholson February 5, 2018

Sorry, new to Service Desk. I am looking for customers we have added to the service desk to allow them to view their requests/tickets. At this time our customers do not make requests, they go thru our support email but we do give them access to view what they have in the system. 

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