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Time based Forms condition

Chris C_ March 1, 2024

I have not been successful finding another submission regarding this topic specifically. If you know of one or a previously submitted feature request, please link them I will vote up the feature request.

Is there a way to make something in a form condition on the current time? Current time in a specific time zone would be even better.

We have fellow employees in other time zones that submit a specific request type frequently, but they love to wait until the end of the day to do it. We've told everyone multiple times if they wait past 3pm Eastern, I make no guarantees the request will be handled the same day. If you didn't know you needed this, by 2 hours before end of business, that's on you, {{Person}}.

It could be really helpful if I could set a block of text in the request form (the proforma form, not the jira request type form/view/screen/whateverthehellthing) to only show up when the person filling out the form does so at a time {{now}}>={{1500(EST|EDT)}} kind of thing.

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Joseph Chung Yin
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March 1, 2024

@Chris C_ -

Hi Chris:

At this time, I am not aware of any feature request in regarding to your FORM's ask.  It is currently not possible.  When someone uses FORMs to submit the request, there is no time block control.

I would recommend the following -

1) Add a text element for your FORM and place it at the top of the FORM configuration to communicate/reinforce the rule.  Of course this will not prevent users to still go forward with his/her submission.

2) Customize the customer notification for "Request Created" message to include your rule call out.  So, your customers will see the notification and aware of the rule situation.  Project settings >> Customer notifications

3) Create automation rule on Issue Created triggering event and send out custom email notification to the reporter again enforcing your rule criteria.

All three recommendations are focusing on communication of the rule back to your customers.

Sorry, Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Chris C_ March 4, 2024

Well rats, that's what I figured.

"1) Add a text element for your FORM and place it at the top of the FORM configuration to communicate/reinforce the rule.  Of course this will not prevent users to still go forward with his/her submission."

Yeah, well if people would read things BEFORE they did it, there'd likely be a lot less work for the rest of us :D


Your 2/3 suggestions were on my list as backup options anyway, so looks like I know what I'm working on today! If that's something that could be fairly easily added, I think others could find some wild uses for the ability.

Thanks Joseph

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