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Tell me what you need to set up a simple business service desk

Darcy Douglas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 8, 2024

Hi community!

Atlassian PM here.

Are you working with a business team currently managing customer and internal service requests within a shared email inbox, Slack Channel or something like Google Sheets?

We’re exploring how we can help low-maturity business teams get started in JSM.

If this sounds like you, I’d love to learn more about:

  1. What are the needs of your team when creating a ‘simple service desk’?

    • What are your goals?

    • What are your onboarding needs?

  2. Are our existing templates meeting the needs of your team?

    • Are there any challenges? If so, what are they?

    • How do you use our current project templates today?

    • Would you change anything?

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, and in return for sharing your insights, our product team would be happy to assist or answer questions about your project setup. Or if you are in the early stages of setting up a new project for a business team, we can help with:

  • Answering questions about which features to use

  • Identifying the best service desk configuration for your needs

  • Sharing ideas on how to prepare for a successful launch

  • How can you get involved

Click on this link to connect with me and find a suitable time for us to have a conversation.

Alternatively, you can email me directly at

Looking forward to speaking with you soon!


Intern Product Manager, Jira Service Management - Getting Started



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