Tagged user names in Comments getting mailed as [~accountid:xxx]

Maria Savignano November 22, 2024

For tickets in the "Pending User" status, we have an automation that sends a reminder email to the responsible user. In the body of the email, we have this configured:


We cannot continue working on resolving your ticket {{issue.key}} because we <b>need your collaboration</b>: <i>{{issue.comments.last.body}}</i>

I have a ticket where the last body comment mentions the user. When this user receives the email, their account ID appears instead of their name. Let me explain: suppose the ticket comment mentions me as follows: "Hello Maria, I await your comments." In the email, in the line that inserts the last comment of the ticket, I receive: "Hello [-accointid:5b2929702eea651bacdee81e], I await your comments."

How can I make the user's name visible if they are mentioned in the last comment of the ticket? Is it possible to do this? I see this ticket https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-80722 was cancelled, so do anyone know a workarround for my issue?


Maria Grazia Savignano

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Maria Savignano November 25, 2024

I have found the solution. By adding "html" at the end of the smart value {{issue.comment.last.body.html}}, it displays the name and any other formatting that has been applied to the comment.

Source: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Automation-questions/mentions-in-automation-smart-values-shows-accountid-instead-of/qaq-p/2188200

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