Set the value of organization when new Jira Service Desk Issue created

Tony Mackin February 13, 2018

In a Jira Service Desk workflow post-function,  I need to insert a value into the Organizations field.    I'm adding a post-function to the Create transition and am using Scriptrunner to implement the script.

I've searched and searched and find 2-3 posts that are repeatedly referenced about how to update a select list custom field.   I've tried them all and they usually have some syntax error...options no longer around or a method not found or reference some api or plug-in not found...or they just don't work/don't update the organizations field. 

I know my  Organizations  field is  customfield_10002  and the ID of the Organizational value I want to insert is  1.      However,  I can't seem to find an example of the update statement required.    I'd be willing to hard code the field and option values if needed  versus using field/value names.


Can anyone help with the script needed  to set Organizations field to "Team A", which is field value option 1,  when an issue is created? 





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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 4, 2024

Hi @Tony Mackin ,

please try Jira Automation to do that.

Hope this helps,


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