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Servicedesk service doesn't work

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July 20, 2020

We have installed SD a long time ago and we don't had an application run like service. So now we want to make it run like service, made all things from this article  
but it don't start at all. Can you help please with diagnose and right configuration?

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 23, 2020


I understand that you are trying to setup Jira Service Desk server to start as a service in a linux environment.  I believe that the KB you listed is still accurate for operating systems that use systemd, so I'd be interested to learn more about your environment here.  Such as:

  1. What operating system/version are you running here?
  2. What user account on the operating system has been historically starting Jira?

The guide above presumes you have a system user called jira to run that process. If you are using some other account then you might need to follow the steps in How to fix directory permissions in Linux for Jira Server.  We need to make sure that whatever account is starting Jira has the permissions on the filesystem directories to be able to start it.

If that does not help, then I'd be interested to see what is happening in the $JIRAINSTALL/logs/catalina.out file when you try to start Jira.  This log file is created by the tomcat process when Jira is running, perhaps it might hold some additional clues as to why Jira might not be running as expected here.


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