Service desk response email address doesn't match

Maurice Côté February 9, 2018


We're using the Cloud edition and have started trialing the service desk.  

When a customer replies to an email triggered by the agent asking a question, his reply opens a new ticket rather then being added to the existing ticket.

The subject does contain the ticket number, and the response was typed above the line that states

—-—-—-— Reply above this line.


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Jack Brickey
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February 9, 2018

@Maurice Côté, this should not be the case. You may wish to look at this thread for more details on the designed behavior to assist w/ troubleshooting.

Maurice Côté February 9, 2018

nice feature to prevent mishaps, but sadly for me the header is intact.


I have sent another reply and included another email address so I could see the raw message source

Subject: Re: DEVO-8 test
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 17:01:49 -0500
In-Reply-To: <JIRA.22168.1518097464000.e378011f-0e00-4b1e-ab84-b84b0eb36434.1518097649577@Atlassian.JIRA>

So neither the subject nor the header are incorrect.

Any other ideas?

Maurice Côté February 11, 2018

I've opened a ticket.


For those of you that want a summary, there is a In-Reply-To header that protects against the subject line being modified.  So in my case there are two reasons that it should work.  The ticket ID is present, and the header as well.

Here's hoping for a quick resolution....

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