Service Desk Automation does not work with keyword in sentence

Aljoscha Börsch
April 4, 2018



we are trying to use Jira Service Desk in our company. When we tested the automation it did not work in the case of the keyword being sandwiched between other words (like word keyword word), but worked when it was the first or second word (word keyword and keyword word).


Thank you for your help.


Greetings Aljoscha

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Jack Brickey
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April 4, 2018

I’m not quite following here so I will ask a couple questions in hopes that I can then assist. 

Are you on Cloud or Server instance? If server, what version.

are you speaking of built in Automation or an add-on?

can you provide a screenshot of your automation?

Aljoscha Börsch
April 4, 2018

I am on a server instance JSD 3.10.0, Jira 7.7.0.

I am speaking about the JSD Project Settings Automation (JSD Projekt -> Project settings -> Automation)

My custom rule has the following pattern: WHEN Issue created IF Issue matches summary ~ license AND request-channel-type = email THEN Edit request type customType

The log shows that when the summary is "Test license" or "license Test" it works. When the summary is "Custom license test" it does not execute, which should not happen because there is a else if that should always trigger if the request-channel-type is email.

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