Only looking at first JQL Statement in SLAs

Andrew Lewis November 6, 2018

I have created 2 SLAs within the service desk project. Each SLA has 4 JQL statement based on issuetype and priority. When an issue is created, it appears to only be looking at the first JQL statement within the relevant SLA.

If i move the order of the statements within the SLA, it still picks up the first listed statement.



1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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November 6, 2018

Please provide a screenshot of your sla config and the JQL you mention

Andrew Lewis November 7, 2018


Please see screenshot of SLAs.


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018

@Andrew Lewis, your JQLs are flawed because there are no parentheses around the issuetype section. Replace w/ the following.

  • issuetype in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") AND priority = low
  • issuetype in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") AND priority = Critical
  • issuetype in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") AND priority = High
  • issuetype in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") AND priority = Medium

You can further simplify if there are no other issuetypes involved in the project, i.e. drop the "issuetype in..." in all cases and simply use "priority = xxx".

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